Step One to get you started…..

1. Learn the Movements

If you’re ready to learn, your first step is to sign up on our 'First Steps’. This is an introductory course to learn how to do the Movements safely and confidently.  These personal one-on-one sessions with one of our coaches are designed to teach you all of the movements, showing you how to perform them safely and with the correct technique.

Contact us on: to get booked in!

2. Go For It

After you’ve been through our First Step Package you are all set to begin attending our regular classes. Click here to get Signed Up.

3. Done Functional Training Before

If you have done any Functional Training in the past and don’t think you need to go through our First Step Package then head to our Join Now! page.

For more information about getting started call 07 850 8001 

or email: